My first get would be Keir Dullea from 2001: A Space Odyssey. He was there with Gary Lockwood. I got a dual shot with them at Chiller in the past, but he had a full beard at Chiller. So this was a huge upgrade shot. Then I picked up a $5 Kathy Garver photo op. I also said hello to Geri Reischl AKA Fake Jan (she recognizes me cause we follow one another on twitter, HCIT).
Now the main reason I was there was the two Roberts, namely Robert Fuller and Robert Conrad. Both had HUGE lines. But then another grapher who was there said Robert Conrad was at the bar. We went up and I also spot Robert Fuller sitting at a table. Getting the photo ops at the bar meant we would not have to wait in the long ass lines.
First was Robert Fuller and he was nice as can be and did photo ops. Next up was Robert Conrad who also happily stopped despite being held up so he can stand/walk (he had a stroke so he couldn't move half his body).
I should add that technically these are NOT mooched photo ops. Because they were both doing free photo ops at the table.
One has to commend Robert Conrad though. So many young actors give horrid autographs even in paid settings, yet here he is, 81, had a stroke, struggling to even hold a pen, and gives every letter to his paying customers.
Joresky then informs me about getting a free Russ McCubbin photo op. I quickly grab one. Although upon googling he is barely valid.
Robert Fuller
Robert Conrad
Full list of photo ops
Next up we go to Intervention 7. My main want there is Juliet Landau AKA Dru from Buffy and Angel. My second main want is Jon St John who voiced the iconic Duke Nukem video game character.
We arrive and seems all the people we want are not at their table. Additionally, director Rachel Talalay did not even have a table setup.
Eventually Star Trek writer and author David Gerrold returns to his table and I get a free photo op. Then Joresky points out the guy he previously got from the Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Star Wars skit (The Jedi who fights Blackwolf the Dragonmaster). His wife and her friend were both giggling when I was getting photo ops with him.
We go to the Juliet Landau panel and at the end Joresky asks if she's coming to her table. She says she's doing pro ops and wasn't planing to go to her table but will do so for a few minutes.
We wait and she finally makes her table. We get photo ops there. Joresky asks if she could remove her shades but she says she has an eye infection. None of the other people we wanted came to their tables.
We find out Rachel Talalay will be at a panel in a very small room. We then go there and try to get her before the panel she says not right now. We wait till after and she doesn't want to pose for photos covering her face. Damn really? This is someone who can walk Times Square and no one will raise an eye brow, yet she comes to a con and does not want to do photo ops?

This sadly meant I had to come back the next day for Jon St John. But I wasn't 110% sure if I had Dwight Schultz of the A Team so I could check on that plus I could get René Auberjonois who was sat/sun only.
Next day I get to the con and still no Jon St John at this table. But as I found out I don't have Dwight so I get that photo op.
Next I wait in line for René Auberjonois (Star Trek, Disney's The Little Mermaid). The guy behind me was struggling to cope with the fact that the photo op cost $20 at the table. Then I discuss splitting the photo op and he agrees. But wait he has no cash. I suggest he paypal me the $10. He tries to put his debit card on his paypal but is struggling. I then take his phone and his debit card and try to input it myself. While this is happening the girl in front of us tells the handler "these guys want to split the photo op so it's $10 each". The handler goes "that's fine but they both get one photo" My reaction is a mixture of this face

I ask that girl why she is involving herself in my business. She seemed shocked at this and said she was doing it cause I would want to make sure this is allowed before I do it. I tell her that I've done this a 1000 times and I'm an adult that doesn't need her guidance. If I wanted to ask the handler a question I can do it myself. I then continue to setup the man's debit card, put in my email and $10 (he ends up paying $10.57 cause his bank account isn't setup). I get $10 in my paypal account fine.
Rene was taking his time talking to people and I tell that guy to please wait till we get our photo op before talking to him so I can go away then he can take all the time he wants. He goes "wow you don't want to talk to him?" I said I had no interest in doing that. He goes "really? WHY?"
When we approach the table the guy tells the handler about the split and again my reaction is this face

Alex Kingston was a name I would have liked to get but she was pro op only and the ONLY guest at this con that was pro op only. To boot the pro ops had horrid fake backgrounds. So this left one last guest I needed, namely Jon St. John.
To guarantee that I'd see him I decide to go to his panel. I ask him if he's going to his autograph table he said about 30 minutes after the panel. After the panel I ask him for a selfie and he is happy to oblige. I then go to his table and see one couple waiting but they eventually give up (during that time he was dining at the restaurant of the hotel).
Finally he comes to his table and I approach. His girl points me out to him. I greet him and get a $10 8x10 from him that he signed. Of course at this table I find out he would have signed any items I had for FREE and I had nothing. DAMMIT! Had I known I would have bought stuff before hand. How cool would it have been to get the Duke Nukem 3D MS DOS game signed? He then asked if I was happy with my photo op at the panel. I said yes but we could take another. His girlfriend then takes a photo. Seemed really happy to do a combo.
Juliet Landau
Jon St. John
Dwight Schultz
Full list of Intervention photo ops
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