Next up I go to a spot for James Franco as I wanted to upgrade my photo op. Sadly he was not there but we did see Maggie Gyllenhaal. This would have been a good score but sadly she blew us off.
Next up I want to try for Priyanka Chopra to upgrade my photo but sadly she left the spot earlier than expected, so that was a no go. I guess in hindsight we should have gone to her directly and skipped all the other attempts.
We have a motto that if all else fails, go to the "easy" spots. And all else had definitely failed. So we go to a show and wait for lower names that will never say no. Plus they would be good "in case" names. One great random came out of the spot, namely Carla Gugino from Watchmen, Sin City, among others. But sadly I got her before.
Full list of Friday night photo ops
After I slept like a baby, it was then time to get up for Star Trek con. My main reason for attending this was Peter Weller AKA Robocop in the first and second Robocop movie (the only two Robocop movies that matter). Robocop is an iconic character and with all the celebrity deaths I better grab this one while I have the chance as he's not getting any younger.
The day is off to a bad start because I found out I missed a free signing for John de Lancie where he did one combo per person. But he would have another session later.
First get of the day is Adam Nimoy who we saw walking around. Joresky wanted to dedicate time and effort to get him at his panel which I had no intention to do, but for popping up right there and then, sure I'll take it.
Sadly, practically everyone at this con was pro op only. This means I had to cut down on people. It was heart breaking but with all these pro ops and no one to split with, the cost of this con would have been astronomical. I would end up splitting 3 pro ops with Greg.
First pro op was Armin Shimerman who was also the principle in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I also managed to score a table op in Robert Duncan McNeill who was also in the Masters of the Universe movie. I sadly had to skip the autograph to cut down on costs. Could have used him on my MOTU DVD signed by Frank Langella and Courtney Cox.
Got a pro op with Bruce Greenwood, my #2 reason for attending the con. Grabbed a free table op with Kitty Swink. I then went to a booth where Denise Crosby was doing free combos for everyone, so YES I stood in that line. I then reserved my spot in the line for the John de Lancie signing. Sadly this time they were doing autos only due to a bigger crowd. So I had to fight for my photo op, and fight I did. I said I didn't want the auto I only wanted the photo. He agreed then the handlers went "if we do it for you we have to do it for everybody". After much back and forth he goes "just take it" and I got the selfie! It was a hard earned photo op. Thankfully it ended in success.
Now I had two other endeavors left at Star Trek con. Director Nicholas Meyer who was doing a panel and my main reason for attending, Peter Weller. Sadly the times conflicted. But Weller was the paid guarantee and my main reason for coming therefore the obvious priority. This went smoothly and he thankfully took off his glasses for the photo op. I had a Robocop 2 laserdisc to get signed but decided to cut costs on that front.
Now I had to join Joresky at the Mayer panel. Sadly they were not letting people in and the line formed for the next panel. Using a lie that may land me in hell when I face my final judgement in the after life, I managed to talk my way into the room!
We wait for the panel to end and I manage to get a combo with Nicholas! Got him to sign my Star Trek 6 laserdisc. A girl who talked to him said she was an actress and she also got a photo with him. She was using a crappy cell phone so I offered to take a photo for her with my camera. She agreed. Now I still remember my Kate Upton blunder. In fact, it will forever and ever be cemented in me until the day I retire from hunting or until the day I die (whichever is first). So I asked her for a photo op and she was happy to oblige. We exchanged numbers and she texted me her email so I can send her the photos. Upon further research turns out she even has an entry on IMDB. Also got a Kirsten Beyer photo op who was part of the panel.
Next up was a reading with a whole bunch of actors, most notably actress Mary Stuart Masterson. So now I had to sit through a horrid and boring reading that I had less than zero interest is. Wow that was pain defined. It ends and I grab the attention of Mary. She was about to come over then a security guard stops me and she turns away! MOTHER FUCKER HE KILLED MY BABY

After Star Trek con I needed Sean Hayes to complete a Three Stooges photo. Thankfully I had a photo op with him cause he was barely posing for photo ops. I got my photo and a program signed. We were about to leave the city and saw another show letting out. This meant I could get more lower tier actors. Again, I remember Kate Upton. So decided to wait 20 more minutes and got more photo ops. Then it was off to Joresky's place to prepare for Baltimore Comic Con.
Robert Duncan McNeill
Bruce Greenwood
Peter Weller
Armin Shimerman
Nicholas Meyer
Full list of Saturday photo ops part 1
Full list of Saturday photo ops part 2
Full list of Saturday photo ops part 3
Autographs obtained
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