Saturday starts at the Javits with one main mission: the cast of The Tick. Needed everyone on there including The Tick himself, Peter Serafinowicz. He is a Star Wars name as he voiced Darth Maul in The Phantom Manace. Peter is spotted getting out of the car, as I asked him he denied and I got blocked by a bald black security guard, henceforth referred to as BBSG (spoiler alert, he would be a thorn in my ass throughout my mission for The Tick cast).
Starting outside, I get one Tick cast member, Jackie Earle Haley. I didn't know it the moment I got it, but turns out he's a huge want of mine because he is Rorschach in Watchmen and also Freddy Kruger in the Nightmare on Elm Street remake. Most hate it but I enjoyed it for what it was, and that was a typical horror hack and slash. Also what is cool about the remake is they stayed true to Wes Craven's original concept of Freddy. In the original concept he was a pedophile but then he was changed to a child killer instead. The remake made him a pedophile again.
Getting back on topic, after a few names I go inside the building for The Tick panel. It ends and I try to get them but I'm both cock blocked and assaulted by the BBSG

Now move on to Griffin Newman. I ask him for a selfie he agrees and BBSG tells me no selfies. I completely ignore his demand and get a selfie with Griffin. BBSG then lashes out at me and says if I ask for one more selfie he would throw me out of line. Next up Valorie while BBSG is right behind me. At this point I had to pick my battles so I didn't ask Valorie for a selfie since that damn BBSG was right behind me. But ahead of me were 7 more people (4 actors, 2 producers, and the creator of The Tick). After I finished with Valorie I completely ignored the BBSG's demand and got selfies with everyone except Scott Speiser who I got in the hallway. Got actors Yara Martinez, Michael Cerveris, and Brendan Hines, then producer David Fury, then Tick creator Ben Edlund. Not sure if BBSG didn't notice or didn't care (I'm guessing the former). Producer Barry Josephson was the last one in the line. When I asked for the selfie the woman there goes "no selfies" but I completely ignored her demand and got it. She then dubbed by action as "disrespectful" to which I replied "I measure things by photo ops, not by respect". I then walked away (had zero to lose at this point as I was literally done with the line).
Go to the vendor booth of Larry Lieber (Stan Lee's brother) and get a free photo op, then back outside where I still need Valorie Curry from The Tick cast and the autograph that Peter had promised me. Unfortunately it was getting time to go to Hammerstein for actor Christopher Meloni, a huge want of mine. Go there and get the full combo with him then back to Javits. Thankfully I didn't miss the Tick cast. Finally they come out and I score my Valorie Curry photo op. It was hard fought but Mission Accomplished! Peter did not come over and goes in his car (with BBSG in the front seat). I then run up to the car and hold out my Darth Maul photo to Peter's window, he rolls down and signs. Said he was "glad" he saw me.
After more photo ops at Javits I ended my time at NYCC for the day. Went to another spot where I wanted to score a first time Ben Mendelsohn (Director Krennic in Star Wars Rogue One) and an upgrade with actress Rooney Mara (I have a shades shot). Me and Joresky wait for entries and see Ben, he denies and said on the way out. But 2 minutes later he comes out and does photo ops as

At this point I had to go somewhere with a NYC Master, then I returned to join Joresky for actress Carrie Coon. Sadly as I'm literally on the street of her show I get the call from Joresky that I missed everything and he saw Sally Field as a random. I was upset at missing Carrie and could have used an improved Sally Field shot but while I didn't know it at the time, this miss would actually be a blessing from the combo Gods. More on that later. After what was a disappointment at the time I went to a spot for randoms but came up empty. Then to a spot to get the information for the late evening spot. Sadly 5 minutes after I arrived Stephen Speilberg did autographs for all. He didn't do ops but would have been nice to get the auto. Some people waited for Speilberg to exit I chose to simply go to the next spot as I didn't anticipate Speilberg would do anything leaving (and he didn't, goes to show you how many times I've tried for him as I know all his habits by now).
At the next spot Speilberg arrives, I plead for the photo op and he denies. A minute later everyone from the previous spot joins in. This spot is pandemonium and pretty much a bust. I get an invalid Sam Smith, Gal Godot does nothing going in and sneaks out (got a photo op at RICC last year but was trying for autos). At one point even Speilberg does autos down the line but bails before he gets to me. I guess you can't win em all

Peter Serafinowicz
Jackie Earle Haley
Christopher Meloni
Ben Mendelsohn
Rooney Mara
Full list of Saturday photo ops part 1
Full list of Saturday photo ops part 2
Back to the Javits center but then I have to go inside as Greg is holding me a spot for Castlevania game designer Koji Igarashi. After that I enter a panel for actor Jack Cutmore-Scott and actress Ifanesh Hadera. As the panel is going on I point to Joresky to the two security guards and tell him "these are our baby killers". The panel ends and for a change I was completely wrong as the security guards did not care as everyone was swarmed with fans. Got them both plus the producers.
Dash to Hammerstein where I manage to score a photo op with Bill Skarsgard AKA Pennywise the Clown. Also scored two new Gotham names Alexander Siddig and Chris Chalk. Always awesome when I score fresh names from my favorite modern day TV show. I also got actress Rebecca Hall, another "common" name I could never seem to get.
Back to the Javits for the Mortal Kombat panel. I was a huge MK fan, so this meant a lot to me. Panel was full so I try to mooch into the panel but was caught and yelled at by a woman. Shortly after towards the end I manage to mooch inside.
After it ends I get combos with co creators Ed Boon and John Tobias, John Vogel, and Dan Forden. Dan was not only the sound designer but it's his voice that says "Toasty". Sadly after that I decided to time out and take a crap which cost me a couple of photo ops at Hammerstein. But I rushed there after. Bill Skarsgard would be mobbed again. Gotham actress Crystal Reed came out but did nothing. At this point I decided to completely break the rules as this was basically my last stand at Hammerstein till NYCC next year. So I ignored security guards and barricades, I went by her car, asked her for the photo op, and she posed with me! Sadly in coming here I missed the Exorcist panel at Javits. I guess can't be everywhere. I also got a huge PUNCH as I was told there were some MK staff at the panel that were not part of the discussion, and two of them are names I would have wanted photo ops with. One was the motion capture actor who played Raiden, and the other was the sculptor of Goro.
Back to the Javits where it is un-eventful and wrapping up. Then I go with Vanessa the Jersey Shore stalker and friend to another spot where I manage to upgrade my Bill Skarsgard to a night shot with no shades. Also get an auto.
Now we go to the Carrie Coon show that I missed the evening prior. Get photo ops with her and the barely valids. Vanessa's friend David notices someone and gets a photo op. I then get one. After I look him up it hits me who he is: David Zayas! I was ecstatic as I know him from Gotham. I was jumping up and down on the street as I randomly got yet another Gotham name. The combo Gods made me miss this the day prior so I can have a fresh Gotham name!
Tried out some more spots for randoms but to no avail. I decided to extend my stay for one extra day as I wanted to try for Jackie Chan. Vanessa decided to crash in my car for the evening. It was much harder than it normally was for me to find a free parking spot. I was almost gonna give up and try to go to a completely different area, but then I see a spot with a traffic cone in the middle of the street preventing me from going into said spot. This would deter most people but I simply moved the traffic cone, parked my car legally and free, then put the traffic cone back in place.
Rebecca Hall
Alexander Siddig
Chris Chalk
Ed Boon
John Tobias
Crystal Reed
Bill Skarsgard
David Zayas
Full list of Sunday photo ops part 1
Full list of Sunday photo ops part 2
This day stars very early as Vanessa goes for Monica Lewinsky. Sadly my body had officially shut down after 4 days of NYCC and 5 nights of car sleep. I just had to get some good rest. This may have been an error as Vanessa scored a perfect shot with her and she normally doesn't do photo ops.
After I get some much needed sleep and wash up at Lowe's I head to a spot for randoms. I score Dizzy Reed of Guns and Roses and actor Grant Show. Not a bad start to the day. Go to the spot for Jackie Chan and unfortunately he is only doing send ins, not coming over for photo ops. Dash off to the next spot where he does nothing going in and sneaks out.
With that bust I decided to instead try for Andy Serkis. After all if I get that shot it's one less pro op to get at RICC hence money saved plus I don't have to be in Providence on Friday as he is Friday only. Going in I score an upgrade with Andrew Garfield but not much else. Greg leaves the spot, after a while I call him and he tells me he is trying for Domhnall Gleeson AKA General Hux in Star Wars. I rush there but sadly just miss him. Had he simply told me about that 3 minutes prior to when he did, I would have made it!
Back to the original spot and wait for exits. I wrestle and have a spat with security as he tries to prevent me from getting an auto from Andrew Garfield and photo op from actress Claire Foy. Andrew signs my Spiderman 2 poster but sadly the auto comes out bad. I get a valid but bad shot with Clair Foy as I fight with security. Finally Andy is out and is nice as can be as he does combos for all.
Try another spot for Jackie Chan but he wasn't there to begin with. Try his hotel where lots of people are waiting but we never see him as he snuck in. With that major failure I called it a night and left the city. Despite failure on my main goal I don't regret staying the extra day as I will save both money and time at RICC due to getting Andy plus I got other names as well so I definitely made the right choice staying in NYC a little longer.
Dizzy Reed
Andrew Garfield
Claire Foy
Andy Serkis
Full list of Monday photo ops
Now to showcase autographs obtained the past couple of days
Part 1
Part 2
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