Next up I meet up with Venassa the Jesey Shore Stalker and friend then go to a spot where I hope to see Pierce Brosnan. I got him before but I had some nice laserdiscs to get done and wanted to improve my photo op. Sadly, it doesn't seem like he is in town. The venue changed, he was removed off the website, and other combo hunters who were waiting outside said there were no signs of him. In NYC when all else fails, go to the "easy" show spots. That's exactly what I did.
Meet up with Greg and stand outside to wait for Devil's Advocate actress Debra Monk and others. Get her, Mark Blum, Jamie Brewer, and remembering my Kate Upton blunder I get the barely valid Vanessa Aspillaga. Josh McDermitt is not seen so we assume he snuck out. On a separate note Jamie Brewer may be my first ever down's syndrome photo op.
Go to another spot where I hope to see Marton Csokas. Uma Thurman is also there but she doesn't greet fans. They took materials inside for her to sign. Ended up getting this back signed by her and Josh Lucas (who I already have). While waiting Greg told me actress Chloe Sevigny was smoking outside. I needed her! I asked her when she was done smoking and pleaded for the op sadly to no avail.
I then give up on that spot to head to my main want in NYC. That was a clean shaven upgrade with Ed Harris. Arrive at the spot and I see a cute girl coming out. Again, remembering my Kate Upton blunder I grab that barely valid shot. Turns out she is actress Charlotte Hope. She has been in stuff and is young so I think she has a good chance of becoming more valid. Next up Ed Harris. I talk him into the photo op and get autos. Score! Even though this is technically an upgrade I consider this as good as a first time photo op.
I then upgrade my shot with Rhea Perlman, though she refused to sign. Upgrade my photo op with Amy Madigan and get an auto. Get another Mark Linn-Baker baker combo. Perfect Strangers was one of my favorite shows so it's always cool to see him again and call him cousin Larry. Finally upgrade my F. Murray Abraham photo op (no beard) and get an auto.
While my evening was not a sweeping success it was definitely fruitful. After this went out clubbing with Vanessa, dropped her home, then set my GPS to avoid all tolls and drove to the hotel parking lot in Cherry Hill to get some sleep (see Monstermania report).
Mathieu Amalric
Ed Harris
Full list of photo ops
After Monstermania (see Monstermania report) I head out to NYC to try for actor Robert Sean Leonard who I know best from Dead Poet's Society starring Robin Williams. Before that I try the spot from the night before again in the hopes of seeing Josh McDermitt. This time he comes out and is nice as can be.
Head to the spot for Robert Sean. It lets out but sadly we never see him. He must have run out so quickly and blended with the audience. Paul Sparks was also in the same show but I already had him. Another show also let out and I got a couple of barely valids plus actor Terrence Mann. I got Terrence Mann before but this shot is another huge upgrade as it's a much better pose and he is clean shaven. So I got that at least. With that we head out the city.
Terrence Mann
Full list of photo ops
After a day's rest I decided last minute to tag with a Master and head into NYC. The main reason for me was a Nick Nolte book signing. While it was a gamble because you had to pay for admission plus the book, I decided it was worth the gamble. First off I remembered how I felt after seeing the likes of Tim Burton and Steve Martin do photo ops at their respective signings, and I decided I would rather fail than go through that again. Second he did photo ops at his LA book signing. And third given his age and mental health this would probably be the only shot I ever get. Since this was last minute I sadly had no items to get done so I was armed with blanks.
This time was a change from normal where I wasn't the one driving. The Master did his thing outside the city and also wanted Nick Nolte. We finally get to the city and the first stop is Sean Bean. He is an "easy" name that eluded me so I needed to make that up. We park illegally literally right next to the rail, so that worked out perfectly. And in all the hours we waited no one bothered the car. Wait for entries but sadly he doesn't come over. I was furious cause the crowd would grow 5X when it was time for exits. Tom Brady and Paul Giamati blank going in and blank leaving. After a long wait Sean Bean finally comes out and it's pandemonium! But in all the chaos I succeed in getting a valid shot!
On to Nick Nolte, drive to the spot as we are joined by Greg. We find legal parking, go inside, and he is still speaking. Buy the book and wait. I had no interest in what he had to say so I didn't attend the speech. Finally it's time for the signing and we manage to score photo ops and extras despite the staff trying to stop us. Sucks he is Santa Bearded but what can you do.
Sean Bean
Santa bearded Nick Nolte
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