So the day of the show I try a spot where I think might have been housing Brock. But I wait and don't see him. I get word that another spot I know of is a happening spot. So I decide to cut my losses on Brock and head there. That was a good decision because I found out later that Brock wasn't even in town at that point.
I arrive there and find out I missed The Ascension. Horrible to hear as I wanted a better shot with Viktor. Apparently there weren't too many staying here either. But I also missed JBL.
Shortly after I arrive first person I get is Sandra the Seamstress from Total Divas. First time meet. Then I see Edge and ask for a photo op since I have no shot with short haired Edge. He said "I got you but I lost my wallet". I say ok. While he's finding his wallet I get a combo with Christian. He signed the Edge and Christian entry on the WWE_E V2. I also see Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville but I have great shots with both and nothing to get signed. After that a woman says if we don't have a room we have to leave. I gather my stuff then Edge is back at the ATM! I get a combo with him, defying orders to leave, completing that Edge and Christian entry.
As I am leaving I also get Edge to sign his single entry on the WWE_E V2. Edge and Christian are then outside. And holy shit! They are doing dual ops! My reaction was this face

While waiting outside Eden Stiles exits. I get a full combo from her on her WWE_E V2 entry. Then Dean Malenko is leaving. We try asking he says to hold on. We wait as he puts his stuff in the car. He was expecting to sign but I ask for an updated photo op. I tell him that I already have him on my book. Lillian Garcia exits but I don't bother as I had nothing for her and have several shots with her. Finally Rene Young and I get another photo op.
As I leave the spot one of the combo hunters waiting comes up to me and reminds me of who he is. He also said he owes me cash from something I shipped to him years ago. Turns out it's none other than legend Chris Collector!
Wow holy shit! I didn't even know he did this anymore! But there he was.

I thought about coming back in the evening but without any concrete info on anyone I decided against it. BUT I did have concrete info for Brock Lesnar for the next morning. I get up early and wait at the spot. I've seen big stars use the front door of the spot but sadly there is also a garage people have used as well. I wait and Brock is running late. Finally his plane leaves and I saw nothing, leaving me to assume he garaged it
Wow what a great end to the year this would have been if I got Brock. But it was not to be. But getting an Edge and Christian dual shot plus bonus autographs and photo ops in less than a 2 hour time span is still pretty awesome.