At one point adelta has a fit saying another spot is better because many other people told him so. I tell him that in my experience it's 50/50 and we know people are staying here. But he insists he wants to try the other spot. I begrudgingly go with him. We arrive and see a combo hunter there. He says he saw no one yet. Time passes and we decide to go back to the original spot. Not minutes later Dana Brook and Charlotte arrive! I get combos with both and have them sign the inside cover of my WWE_E V2. Dana Brook is a great score for me cause I never got her before. So now my evening is not a complete waste. Of course while we were gone we find out Rusev and Lana both arrive, but neither one did anything for anyone. Wow what a punch in the face that could have been.
Another shocking thing, this spot generally does not let people stay on their property. In fact they once called the police on me when I was on my own on the sidewalk! And other times they harassed me for being on the sidewalk! But this time was different. In fact the SECURITY GUARD was getting photo ops and said he didn't care what we did as long as we were respectful. I could not believe it. Me and Joresky usually call such people "baby killers" as they want to "abort" our precious photo ops. But this guy? I called him ANGEL!
Anyhow, Natalya arrives and I get a photo op. Then Jojo arrives and I get a combo on my WWE_E V2. Another first time meet for me! Sasha Banks arrives and I could have used an upgrade plus her auto on the WWE_V2 but she says it's 2:30 am and denies all. I would have begged harder if I didn't have her already.
Tony Chimel and Chad Patton arrive and I get photo ops. Got Chad on the referee page of my WWE_E V2. Bray Wyatt arrives and I get another photo op. He is nice as usual.
At this point it's getting late and we decide to call it. And I wanted to get ready for Olivia Newton John in Lancaster, PA the next day. Sadly not the greatest WWE haul but at least I got two new names in Dana and Jojo and one semi upgrade in Charlotte (last time I got her was before she was in the main roster).
Full list of WWE photo ops
The next day I head to Lancaster to try for Olivia Newton John. I arrive early and wait. More graphers also arrive including a carload of Philly graphers.
We wait and line up on the railing. Sadly we are now told she is inside. Wow we never saw her go in. Someone asks a woman if we could do send ins she said she will ask the tour manager. Time passes and most graphers give up and leave. Soon after the tour manager says he was told we've been waiting a long time and he will take one item per person. Ironically most people who had been waiting left, and those who had been waiting 10 minutes gave in their tickets to get signed. Me and some others give merch.
He comes back out and gives the tickets back signed in pen. Says the merch people will have to wait till after the show. I offered him money for the m&g (which was apparently taking place but I never saw up for sale) he goes "no it's ok"
So I go to Cici's pizza buffet, feast, chill, and come back and wait. Show breaks out like a hundred people are waiting. The tour manager says she isn't coming out to do it and is taking care of 40 people who paid for the m&g. Says we all have to clear the area. I said I would pay for the m&g and again "no it's ok". Wow they are refusing money.
He then returns the send ins. Even though not seeing her was a punch, I got an extra punch because my item would have been perfect in black but was signed in silver while all other items were in black. Still better than the Philly crew who got nothing cause they left before they took items in. They even pleaded their case to the tour manager but he would hear nothing of it.
Most people are cleared out. But later on the tour manager comes back and kicks people out again. Now we're dwindled even more. But people begin to give up. Finally it's raining and it's midnight, by now she is either sleeping inside or left. The tour buses never even left. The rest of us who waited give up and leave the venue.
As a Master told me when I told him about my recent streak of successes "it's gotta end sometime". So I guess I was due for good PUNCH in the face or two. This 24 hours of my life I will never get back.
