Saturday, March 5, 2022

A couple of quick cons and a fresh prince

First off, I went outside a venue with markedout's adelta to meet DJ Jazzy Jeff AKA Jazz from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air tv show. He came out and we got combos. Nice guy.

DJ Jazzy Jeff


Next day I would go to FairPoint Con in Hunt Valley. I would split ops and hang out with markedout's CMShowstopper. 

Arrive and both Maisie Richardson Sellers and Sam Witwer are not at their table. I met Sam before but he had a horrid beard in my photo op. So I thought I'd upgrade to no beard. 

While we wait I get a free photo op with Shannon McRandle, who was the model for Mara Jade, one of the most popular characters in the now invalid Star Wars Expanded Universe. 

Maisie and Sam return, and I get ops with both. Sadly with Sam he had a glass pane, but the way the photo was taken honestly makes it the most acceptable form of a virus era photo op. It was taken from the SIDE so it looks ok. Had it been taken from the front zero chance I would have done the shot. 

Shannon McRandle

Maisie Richardson Sellers

Sam Witwer

And I also attended a small con called Fairfax mini comic con. This is the same venue as CSA show, which is the easiest con venue for me to get to. So if there's one person I could get I'll go. Mask use was roughly about 50/50. Higher than I imagined. 

I enter and first name I go for is child actor Thomas Parobek who played little Johnny Lawrence on Cobra Kai. His parents were manning the table and seemed happy I was getting the op. 

Next up I try looking for Gary Cohn. I see a guy on a table with no banner and I ask if he's him. He goes "I used to be, this is what's left of me". He is a comic book writer and he wrote some of the early Masters of the Universe mini comics that came with the original figures.

I had 3 mini comics to get signed, already signed by the artist at a monstermania. When I pulled them out he tells the woman sitting next to him that he wrote like 6 of them and this is what he's most remembered for. Said he remembered being told about the character He-Man and thought to himself "they aren't even trying". Then goes on to say "But what do I know".

He signed them and I got the photo op. But his autograph, damn how horrible. There isn't much worse, and it's certainty the worst autograph I've ever seen from a comic book name at a con. I then asked him why he has no banner apparently the 2h drive was a 5h drive cause he got lost and he didn't want to bother bringing the banner from his car.

Thomas Parobek

Gary Cohn

Jason Keith


In the bottom you can see the horrid Gary Cohn autograph. I realize free is free and I'm certainly not complaining, but damn it's a bad auto.

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