My first stop was getting Vinnie Vincent out of the way. Someone commissioned me to get him $800 worth of autos on albums (@ $50 per auto). With that kind of money I was able to negotiate a free photo op for myself and Vanessa. And he was in full makeup and had a guitar so that was a cool free upgrade for me. Other names I got were Jill St John from Diamonds are Forever (luckily I didn't have to deal with the monster line of Robert Wagner), upgrades from Jimmie Walker and Kim Fields (Tootie), Amanda Pays from the early 90s Flash TV show, Kelly Hu from X-Men, Ann Robinson from War of the Worlds, among others.
After this tried a little bit of mooching but that didn't yield much results. Got some sleep and prepared from the Women's Expo the next day.
Full list of Day 1 Chiller photos
Vinnie Vincent
Amanda Pays
Ann Robinson
Me and Vanessa entered the Women's Expo. Tori Spelling of Beverly Hills, 90210 was doing a meet and greet. Bought $20 toothpaste and went 50/50 on that cost with Vanessa (we would end up getting separate shots and she kept the toothpaste).
While waiting for her to start we killed some time browsing around and I ate free samples from all the different booths. After Tori's speech she started meeting people that bought her merch and we got our photo ops no issue.
Then it was back to Chiller where I needed to finish up my names. Sadly there apparently was both a bomb threat and a gas leak so the hotel had to be evacuated. Took a few hours but it started back up. I managed to get Loretta Swit from MASH, Jill Whelan from the Love boat, among others.
Funny story with the girls from the Evil Dead. During the whole bomb threat mess they got an uber. The driver who looked like he was Indian/Paki/Bangli stock and had a thick Indianglish sounding accent had no idea about Chiller or their appearance. Apparently he is a huge Evil Dead fan and was super excited to meet them. His eyes were like huge in his excitement. They of course gave him free combos but explained to him that if he wants other people at the con he'll have to pay.
After I finished up, I dropped Vanessa to the train station where she could go to NYC. My initial plan was to go home, but since Chiller ended late due to what happened I decided I'd just chill at Chiller, get some sleep in the car, then get up in the morning and drive. Watched the Chiller concert with NYC combo hunter Josh. It was cool watching Ron Dante singing Suger Suger and Martha Davis signing Suddenly Last Summer up close and personal. Also managed to mooch two of the Chiller guests who performed (Bebe Buell and Mitch Weissman).
Full list of Day 2 Chiller photos
Tori Spelling
Loretta Swit
Jill Whelan
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