I wait and sadly Frankie takes long to come out, and when he does it's programs only no photo op! Bust! To add insult to injury, that combined with traffic meant I wasn't able to get to the B52s in time! Wow what a PUNCH. We then wait at a spot to see if any randoms are spotted, but sadly nothing. Hindsight is 20/20 I should have stayed at Chiller and mooched little then later in the evening gone directly to the B52s.
We commandeered our free parking spot a couple of blocks from Times Square and went to sleep. I slept like a baby for like 7 hours.
First spot for the next day, my main target is a huge want in John Goodman. I've heard mixed things about him in that spot. So I had to try for myself. First get there is Robert Morse. So many young actors want to do nothing, yet Morse is 85 and happy to do multi combos with everyone. Get Jefferson Mays, John Slattery, and Dylan Baker. This Dylan is a huge upgrade because he was bundled up in the cold when I last got a valid shot with him.
When I saw John Goodman I approach and plead for a photo op. He goes "I'm going to finish this fucking cigarette". I apologize to him and inform him truthfully that I didn't see the cigarette. I then inform all graphers he is smoking and to back up.
When he is done I get the first shot, which was damn good because the venue people cut off photo ops after about 3 people! But he was a signing machine in fact when the venue folks said "do you need to go inside" he said "I've gotta finish these first". Sadly he had a tendency to drop the pen on the freshly signed item. I managed to get two items done. First a Monsters, Inc DVD which got slightly smudged (still good though) and the second was a Revenge of the Nerds blu ray which I managed to move away before he could drop the pen on it.
Overall, it was good to start my day with a huge want such as John Goodman, especially since I heard very mixed things about him. Additionally, my October finally lived up to that of previous years albeit through the skin of its teeth. In the very tail end of October I got Mel Gibson, Jeremy Irons, and John Goodman!

Next up I go for Mary-Louise Parker. I got her before but wanted to get some autographs and improve my photo op. She is nice as can be but sadly is wearing shades so I didn't improve my shot. But I got her to sign. Then to a spot for Amy Ryan and Richard Armitage from the Hobbit. Get a few names there but sadly Amy Ryan apparently slipped by us and Richard apparently snuck out. This spot is a bust.
Next up to a spot where randoms are expected. It's off to a good start for me as I upgrade my Naomi Watts photo op. I get even more photo ops and see people I have which I don't bother. For instance I saw Lucy Liu but since I have a couple of shots with her I stayed back so some of my other buddies can have a chance. We were informed that Pierce Brosnan entered. I already got him but could use a no shades upgrade. Joresky wanted to wait till exits but I was dead against that because I thought zero chance he would stop in that crowd. But we made a compromise to wait till intermission. Sure enough at intermission we see him but does nothing for no one. We did however see Ray Fisher AKA The Cyborg in Justice League! He was nice as can be and that saves me a pro op at RICC!!
Sadly this wait was not without a PUNCH. While waiting for intermission I found out that Keri Russel, who I still need, was at another spot and did photo ops! This would have been my second best NYC name after John Goodman

While Joresky declared this day not worthwhile for him, I saw it differently. I got a huge want in John Goodman, flourished by a few fresh names and a few upgrades, and topped with a name that saves me fuck money at RICC! I surely walked away happy with that haul.
John Goodman
Naomi Watts
Ray Fisher
Full list of NYC photo ops
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