The day started slow even getting blown off by Al Madrigal
and would remain slow for a while. I got Seth Myers to sign but not much else. Finally the first major name arrives, Wanda Sykes who does a combo with me but gives me a hard time for extras. Luckily I had some people help me out on that front. It was a good feeling because after all that time waiting around I got my #2 want.

Then comes Kristin Chenoweth who is known to be nasty, BUT here she was doing photo ops. I got a photo op but wait, some asshole photo bombed me!
He even told her so happily "I messed it up, give him another". I tried taking another shot with her but she is looking down
She refused to do a third op then I yelled and screamed and cursed the guy out and said I'd punch his face if it didn't get me kicked out of here! I was literally breathing and fuming at the guy and cursing him out! His best defense was "at least I tried to get you another" 

One might argue why make such a big deal about a Kristin Chenoweth photo op. But simply put not getting a photo op decreases fruitfulness, and I am putting in time and effort not because I want to have a good time, not because it's good for my health, but for fruitfulness. And as unpredictable as this kind of activity is is, there are enough obstacles in your face WITHOUT idiots like that deliberately ruining things for you

That being said, I did manage to photoshop him out and make it look good. I'll showcase this at the end of the report.
When Jay Leno finally arrives he accommodates everyone! I manage to get a shot plus 3 photos done! Besides him I get Seth Myers again along with Kevin Eubanks, JB Smoove, Jimmy Fallon, and even Al Madrigal who remembered blowing me off and said he'd do it now. HCIT.
Jerry Seinfeld also arrived. While he was getting his stuff from the car he looked at me straight as if he remembered me from our previous encounter. When he started signing for people he did only a few autographs, I yell "Jerry one here please" and as a result I was one of the lucky few recipients of Jerry Seinfeld autographs.
He then goes "thanks guys" and leaves after signing a few. This completed my combo with him.

Chelsea Handler did nothing for no one as expected.
The final person we were expecting was Garth Brooks, but he came in a way that we had no access to. Not a big deal as I had him already. After this I decided to call it an evening, which in hindsight was a good decision as those who stayed for exits didn't do very well.
All in all a successful day as I got two photo ops I wanted and then some.
Now to showcase Kristin Chenoweth:
Take one, with the photobomb
Take two, she is looking down, and the guy STILL tried to photobomb!
And this is the first shot photoshopped. I am actually pretty proud of this photoshop job.
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