One of those opportunities befell me in mid October. An event with Brad Pitt, Logan Lerman, Shia LaBeouf, Jon Bernthal, and a couple of others. So I figured I'd make this report before diving into NYCC week.
Unfortunately the stars didn't align for me at this particular event. I had an engagement I tried to get out of but couldn't. I probably could have tried harder, but I was discouraged because this venue has a garage. A garage that Angelina Jolie, Brad's wife, used in the past.
However, my heart broke when I received word that Brad Pitt did multi combos! My reactions was this face

Later I got word that the event is still going on, but that Brad Pitt left the event. Depressed but not deterred, I decided to try and salvage by rushing to the event and getting Logan Lerman AKA Percy Jackson himself and Shia LaBeouf. I figured if I got combos from these two it would not be a total loss. Upon arriving I wait with other graphers. Apparently no one really asked Logan or Shia for photo ops coming in, but one girl got a photo op with Logan. It was painful to see those Brad Pitt photo ops. Really painful. Especially since I had tried for him twice in the past but failed to get him photo op wise.
Again, I thought to myself I could ease that pain with the other names. First name comes out, I rush to get a photo op. After I get the op I realize it's only Jon Bernthal. Not that he's a bad name but I've gotten him before. Next up I see both Logan and Shia smoking from a distance. Minutes later Logan comes and I tried asking him for a photo op. But WTF BRAD PITT is with him!

Now a security guard literally grabbed my shirt to prevent me from going up to Pitt! I told him to let go and stop touching and he replied "I'm not touching you" which technically was actually true here. I asked him again he didn't let go. Then I try to physically remove his grip on me, but he wouldn't comply. With Brad Pitt in sight I had to think fast. And think fast I did.
Since the guard refused to release me from his 110% illegal detainment of me (we were on a sidewalk), I reached out to bite his hand. As I approached to readily bite him with all my force, he let go as soon as my teeth touched his hand (and before I had a chance to fully apply force). I then quickly run to Brad Pitt and some woman is trying to get a photo with him. She spends, I kid you not, 3 minutes just trying to figure out her shitty phone camera. While this is happening I'm getting harassed by 2-3 guards saying I have to back off and I tell them all to calm down and point out that he's doing photo ops and he's waiting. As soon as that stupid woman finally gets the photo op I ask AND HE POSES! I get my selfie and thank him.
There is no smilie that can accurately describe my reaction after this ordeal was over with. To showcase THIS reaction, I will use this YTMND
Wow, after failing to get him in the past, after I thought I wasn't getting him this evening, after I almost didn't get him when I saw him, I FUCKING GOT HIM!

Then head of security comes up to me and has a polite conversation with me, saying I should calm down or my motives will be questioned, and I explained my side of things, he said he understood and was trying to advise me. I thanked him and we shook hands.
While waiting for Shia and others to come out, the same security guard told me his name and I told him my name, and we shook hands again.
Finally Shia comes out, and starts signing. I get an auto and I ask twice for a photo op and both times he tells me no. So that's a bust photo op wise. Didn't bother to follow as I didn't think it would lead to success.
Michael Peña and director David Ayer are left inside. Michael Peña was in Tower Heist among other things, so I decided it was worth waiting for him. When he came out he was happy to take a photo op with me. Then finally David Ayer, and again nice as can be. He already has a good resume, but it's now about to get better. He is directing the Suicide Squad movie!
As I was leaving, I told the security guard good night and we shook hands again.
While I definitely should have done that event earlier as I would have gotten Pitt autographs and probably a Logan combo, I can't complain as I got the trophy of the evening, a Brad Pitt photo op (which technically completes my combo since I got him autograph wise in the past) and of course good bonuses in Shia auto, and Pena/Ayer photo ops.
Brad Pitt
Full list of photo ops
Shia autograph
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