It was mid September and I had a plan to try an event with Morgan Freeman, Téa Leoni, and Tim Daly. The same day I got a great tip about a Susan B Komen event featuring Triple H. I would later be told Stephanie would be there. So I prepared my merch. Both events were minutes apart. This had the makings of a truly epic and orgasmic day!!
I start at the Triple H event. Unfortunately there were a couple of ways they could enter. The front of the side. Joan Lunden and Bruce Hornsby were also attending the event.
While we wait in the front, Joan goes on the side. We wait in the side, I see a glimpse of Triple H's head entering the front

Total bust so far. But we quickly go to the Morgan Freeman event to see what's up. Unfortunately the setup was every combo hunter's worst nightmare! A wide open garage ready for any fancy car! And sure enough that's where the cars went. Now the only hope was the Triple H event. We play the waiting game, more graphers join. I get photo ops with Joan Lunden and Bruce Hornsby who were both friendly as can be. Then everything settles down, and all graphers except me and one other give up. We are now waiting hoping we did not miss Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.
Minutes pass and they seem like hours, and Triple H and Stephanie come out the front! I couldn't believe it! I didn't miss them! I get Stephanie on the first WWE_E and Triple H on my DX mag signed by HBK and Chyna to which Stephanie comments "ohh, attitude era"
They then sign for the other grapher and I then score the "Brangelina" shot of wrestling, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon! One of the handlers took the shot. Triple H event lifted his fist up AFTER posing. This also gave me a photo op with short haired Triple H, so it was a double benefit there! I then whipped up one more magazine for Triple H and said "one more attitude era" and he signed it no issue! It was another DX mag already signed by the New Age Outlaws and X-Pac. The handlers said that's the last one. Normally I ignore such things but since Triple H and Stephanie were so accommodating I just chose to be happy with what I got.
As they were in their car I thanked them and they said I was welcome. HCIT. The evening was a bust all through but turned around at the very end

Unfortunately the end result was not without a punch in the face. The first mag he signed, I pointed out the spot I wanted him on but he sadly signed somewhere else and it was a little over HBK's autograph, tainting the item. Thankfully the second one came out flawlessly. Now to showcase:
Triple H and Stephanie
Full list of photo ops
Full list of autographs (both mags now completed)
Close up of the first mag he signed, to showcase what I meant
I of course did not give up on Morgan Freeman and company. The next day they had another event, and the spot was more accessible. I figured going into the event that I would probably not get Morgan, but if I got a combo with Téa Leoni it would be worthwhile. Tim Daly I've seen so many times but I printed photos to make things more fruitful.
So I arrive at the free event, and I feast on the food that was offered. The event starts and everyone goes on stage. It was painful seeing Morgan Freeman on stage, someone I've seen so many times and failed to get anything from so many times. Really was heart breaking watching him so close yet so far, talking in the same room I'm in. I also had to mentally prepare for failure Morgan Freeman wise. I had nothing for him to sign since I know he doesn't sign autographs anymore due to his health. But I also knew that Tea shot was a much safer bet, so I wouldn't leave empty handed.
To make matter worse, there were security guards that seemed like they would hinder any attempts at combos. But there were other graphers there. My plan was this. Let the graphers go for whoever and get harassed by security, meanwhile I go for whichever celeb they did not go for as security is busy.
So the event ends, and shit hits the fan. Graphers are trying to get Tea. I see her sign and quickly whip up my photos. Then Morgan Freeman comes down the stage, and lo and behold, he is doing photo ops. So I ask, and I get it! It was a little blurry and I ask for another he agrees! I couldn't believe it! I SCORED!

After this score I score a Tea photo op and get Tim Daly to sign a Superman photo and he goes "ohh, supes". Then they started rushing them out saying they had a train to catch.
After this I go outside and as they exit I improve my Tea shot saying it didn't come out, and she was nice about it. Daly did nothing else and didn't see Morgan (which didn't matter as I had nothing for him to sign and got the shot).
Now I still had more photos for Tea and Daly, and they did say earlier they were going to the train station. So I run to the train station and I beat them there. Tea goes "ohh you guys are crazy" she signs my photo and I'm told that's it. I had an extra Tea photo that remained unsigned but that's ok. I also get one more from Daly and tell him that I'll see him again at an event in 2015.
Let's see, a first time A list photo op, a first time combo, and free food! Short of winning the grand prize of the lottery, I cannot think of a better day than that!
Morgan Freeman
Téa Leoni (Jurassic Park III, Deep Impact, Tower Heist, among others)
While the day ended, the evening was just beginning, and I was preparing for a Hall and Oats event. This one would be joined by

We wait for the concert to let up, and stand where they are coming out from. Each would come out accompanied by cops. First Daryl Hall, I get him on two plus the photo ops! Next John Oats is quietly going to the car and while everyone is busy with Hall I ask for a photo op. The cop is about to physically stop me but when Oats consents to it he backs down. I get my photo op and autograph and he says he's only signing one. True to his word he did not sign my second item but accommodated others. Both were VERY rushed, if they had come out together this would definitely have not been the sweeping success that it was.
Daryl Hall
John Oates
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