Arrive at the museum with markedout's heelorton and friend at around 5 AM (red carpet was 7pm). We immediately see

The line is basically started, with two groups forming the first 15-20. In all this I managed to get a couple of hours of much needed sleep in my car.
Wait some more and eventually it starts POUNDING rain. My socks got all soaked. Finally they felt sorry for us and checked us in early as the rain continued to pound. They told us you have wristbands but no line yet and to come back later. Obviously unacceptable to us. Then we entered the museum and it literally stopped raining! Wow they couldn't have started to check us in as soon as it started raining.
Again, here we have to police ourselves. We go to the location they told us the line would form and form the line ourselves. Eventually more people and more staff join.
Eventually they walk us to the red carpet area and we manage to grab the precious front rail spots. Wow so much could have gone wrong here. Imagine if for instance they told us we couldn't stand at the previous location until a certain time. All that waiting at the crack of dawn would have been for nothing. But so far so good.
Event starts and stuff happens! First score is a fresh Michelle Monaghan. Next up, my second biggest want at this event, Superman himself, Henry Cavill! And he is super nice. I am so glad I didn't venture to Ace Comic Con to pay for a bearded Cavill (didn't need much else from that con). And with that score I now have photo ops with every living live action actor who played Superman (Dean Cain, Tom Welling, Brandon Routh, Henry Cavill, and Tyler Hoechlin). Also have some voice actor Supermans but won't get into that here.
Next up actor Frederick Schmidt (fresh). Then the director Christopher McQuarrie (fresh) does combos but steps away whenever he is close to me. After the third time he made good on his promise to come back to me and did a combo with me. Then get Simon Pegg update.
The man of the hour finally greets the crowd! His sister takes my camera. Tom signs laserdiscs for me which both him and his sister get a kick out of with Tom saying he loves laserdiscs.
At this point red carpet is winding down and both Angela Bassett and Rebecca Ferguson are still being interviewed by press. We have to call them over and run around. Had to scream and fight for an Angela combo (major upgrade as my previous shot is blurry) and Rebecca photo op (fresh). It truly was amazing that it was easier to score Tom and Henry than Angela and Rebecca.
Against all odds, against all unknowns, in the face of 15+ hours, lack of sleep, lots of pain, lots of agony, this was not only a success but a SWEEPING success!
Michelle Monaghan
Henry Cavill
Frederick Schmidt
Christopher McQuarrie
Simon Pegg
Tom Cruise
Angela Bassett
Rebecca Ferguson
Poster signed by the director
Signed items
Triumph and Victory
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