Arrive in NYC the evening before the Danica signing. I join

Next up I go to try for Kylie Minogue. I remember her when I was in high school and she was also Cammy in the Street Fighter movie starring Jean Claude Van Damme.I am joined by Vanessa and friend. While waiting I get a couple of barely valids in her band. Finally she comes out and amidst chaos I score a photo op but no autographs (not everyone present got autos/photos). Sadly I got a horrid photo bomb. After she left I confronted said photobomber. I yelled and cursed him out, and called him a fucking asshole. Venue security tried to intervene to prevent violence as I cursed him out. It amazes me what scum bags people can be. I go through hell and high waters for my ops only to have it tainted like that.

Next up I go to a movie shoot. I want to upgrade my Melissa McCarthy photo op and score a first time Tiffany Haddish (who I seem to be cursed with). I get rebuffed by both. I then try for Elizabeth Moss but she politely declines citing the fact that she is suited for her role.
After this sweeping failure, I go to Barnes and Noble for Danica McKellar. She does a speech and does photo ops and extras. Wow why can't every book signing be this smooth.
Go to a spot in the hopes that Tiffany Haddish shows up, but apparently she didn't and everyone there are basketball names. So I go to a spot to get Idina Menzel, which in hindsight was a great move cause the sports spot was a bust. I manage to get actor Will Brittain. An old lady photobombs not one but TWO of my shots. Honestly what do I do in these situations? Do I curse out the old lady? When it was time for Idina I positioned myself so she couldn't photobomb. She was nice and I got the combo.
Go to the final spot for the evening where I again hope to see Tiffany Haddish. Get a lot of sports names I don't know and finally Tiffany exits. She is denying but then a combo hunter successfully breaks her down and I manage to grab a photo op as security is whisking her away (photo also features Common who I didn't get but got many times in the past). With that it was time to go to PA for Channing Tatum.
Kylie Minogue photo bomb
Kylie Minogue no photo bomb
Lee Pace
Jessica Chastain
Danica McKellar
Idina Menzel
Tiffany Haddish
Full list of NYC photo ops
Danica autographs
non-Danica autographs
I had planned to drive there and stand in line, but couldn't finish my drive and had to pull over. Wake up and drive. Thankfully I have a savoir in the form of

He is buying multiple bottles and will help me out. I am 20 minutes from the location and my bowels could not hold up any longer. I pull over and take a crap in the woods. I finally arrive and go to the bathroom at K Mart where I finish up and clean up. I don't think I was ever so happy to see a toilet in my entire life.
I help up a spot for CM as he went home. I would eventually be joined by both him and Mama

With that I set my GPS to avoid all tolls and headed home. I would like to thank CMShowstopper for his help in this. It was also good to hang out with both him and Mama CM.
Channing Tatum
Signed bottle
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